We have only just got started. Have a look at what's to come. Don't forget to sign up to keep upto date with our journey.

The Mystical Stories of the Shreemad Bhāgvat:

Ancient Vedic stories allows the reader to dive into the mystical world in their imagination.

My First Words:

Our “First Words” series introduces toddlers to various objects found throughout Hinduism.


The "Avatar" series with beautiful illustrations will bring joy to every reader’s heart.

Chinh Jigsaw Puzzle:

This puzzle will allow everyone to visualise Swaminarayan Bhagvān’s charanāvind. Children and adults will love this versatile puzzle.

what's to come...


Keep upto date with our journey.

About Us

We are Vasanti! We are a bold and vibrant group. We are forever blossoming with our future vision. It is important to provide the community with support and resources that will bring about happiness and love towards the Lord.

Our mission is to create an infrastructure that supports parents, teachers, and children in promoting satsang, Building a connection with the Lord.

Core to our mission is providing wisdom sharing ancient knowledge and practices. Our activities are to bring families and communities together.

We provide realistic and authenticated resources which have been researched alongside our vedic scriptures. Vasanti produces resources for a wide range of audiences, and helping aids for parents to enjoy each resource.

We are part of Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Bhuj. Founded on the pillars of practical spirituality, Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Bhuj reaches out far and wide to address the spiritual, moral and social challenges and issues we face in our modern world.

Vasanti aims to enlighten the heart and mind through inspiring Vedic knowledge and wisdom and help build a connection with the self, the family, the community, and Bhagvān.

Vasanti is an entity of Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Bhuj, which reaches far and wide to address the spiritual, moral and social challenges and issues faced in the modern world.


We are forever blossoming and would love for you to join our team. Why not fill the form out below and see where it takes you!



Where would a project like this be without your ideas? Please tell us what you’d like Vasanti to create.

And don’t forget to visit our “get involved” page to see how you can help us bring your ideas to life.